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Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports policy


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)


PBIS is a multi-tiered school-wide, behavioral framework developed and implemented for the purpose of improving academic and social outcomes and increasing learning for all students.  The Board directs the Superintendent/designee to develop a PBIS system/framework consistent with the components set forth in the State Board of Education’s (SBOE) policy, State law and this policy.  The District implements PBIS on a systemwide basis in an effort to promote positive interactions and solutions within the District.  The District encourages family involvement as an integral part of its PBIS system. This policy is implemented in accordance with all applicable definitions set forth in State law.


PBIS Framework


The framework includes a decision-making framework consisting of multiple school staff members who guide selection, integration and implementation of evidence-based academic and behavior practices for improving academic and behavior outcomes for all students.  It also includes the following integrated elements:


  1. data-based decision making;
  2. evidence-based practices along a multi-tiered continuum of supports;
  3. systems that enable accurate and sustainable implementation of practices and
  4. progress monitoring for fidelity and target outcomes.


The District standards for implementation of PBIS include:


  1. student personnel will receive professional development in accordance with State law and this policy;
  2. explicit instruction of school-wide behavior expectations;
  3. consistent systems of acknowledging and correcting behaviors;
  4. teaching environments designed to eliminate behavior triggers and
  5. family and community involvement.


Professional Development for the Implementation of PBIS


Student personnel receives professional development for the implementation of PBIS at least every three years from a building or District PBIS leadership team or other appropriate source in collaboration with the PBIS leadership team.  Professional development is in accordance with the District's PBIS training plan, the District ensures there are continuous training structures in place and training requirements may be modified for the intended audience.  The District retains records of completed professional development, including a list of participants.


Professional development addresses the following topics:


  1. an overview of PBIS;
  2. the process for teaching behavioral expectations;
  3. data collection;
  4. implementation of PBIS with fidelity;
  5. consistent systems of feedback to students for acknowledgment of appropriate behavior and corrections for behavior errors and
  6. consistency in discipline and discipline referrals


General Rules for Restraint and Seclusion


While the District wishes to promote positive interactions and solutions, when a student's behavior presents an immediate threat of physical harm to the student or others and no other safe or effective method of intervention is available, approved physical restraint and seclusion may be used to maintain a safe environment.  


The District does not engage in practices prohibited by State law, including:


  1. prone restraint (including any physical restraint that obstructs the airway of the student, or any physical restraint that impacts a student's primary mode of communication);
  2. any form of physical restraint that involves the intentional, knowing or reckless use of any technique that:
    1. involves the use of pinning down a student by placing knees to the torso, head or neck of the student;
    2. uses pressure point, pain compliance or joint manipulation techniques or
    3. otherwise involves techniques that are used to unnecessarily cause pain.
  3. corporal punishment, as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section (RC) 3319.41;
  4. child endangerment, as defined by RC 2919.22;
  5. deprivation of basic needs;
  6. seclusion or restraint of preschool children in violation of Ohio Administrative Code Section (OAC) 3301-37-10(D) and OAC 3301-35-15;
  7. chemical restraint;
  8. mechanical restraint (does not include devices used by trained school personnel, or by a student, for the specific and approved therapeutic or safety purposes for which such devices were designed and, if applicable, prescribed);
  9. aversive behavioral interventions or
  10. seclusion in a locked room or area.


The District may only use physical restraint or seclusion if staff:


  1. are appropriately trained to protect the care, welfare, dignity, and safety of the student;
  2. continually observe the student in restraint or seclusion for indications of physical or mental distress and seek immediate medical assistance if there is a concern;
  3. use communication strategies and research-based de-escalation techniques in an effort to help the student regain control and
  4. remove the student from physical restraint or seclusion immediately when the immediate risk of physical harm to self or others has dissipated.




Physical restraint may not be used as a form of punishment or discipline, or as a substitute for other less restrictive means of assisting a student in regaining control.  The use of prone restraint is prohibited.  This policy does not prohibit the use of reasonable force and restraint as provided by RC 3319.41.


Restraint only may be used:


  1. if a student’s behavior poses an immediate risk of physical harm to the student or others and no other safe or effective intervention is available;
  2. if the physical restraint does not interfere with the student’s ability to breathe;
  3. if the physical restraint does not interfere with the student’s ability to communicate in the student’s primary language or mode of communication and
  4. by school personnel trained in safe restraint techniques, except in the case of rare and unavoidable emergency situations when trained personnel are not immediately available.




Seclusion may not be used as a form of punishment or discipline; for staff convenience; or as a substitute for an educational program, inadequate staffing, staff training in the PBIS framework and crisis management or other less restrictive means of assisting a student in regaining control such that it is reflective of the cognitive, social and emotional level of the student; or as a means to coerce, retaliate, or in a manner that endangers a student.


Seclusion only may be used:


  1. if a student’s behavior poses an immediate risk of physical harm to the student or others and no other safe or effective intervention is available;
  2. for the minimum amount of time necessary to protect the student and others from physical harm;
  3. in a room or area that is not locked, does not preclude the student from exiting the area should the staff member become incapacitated or leave, and that provides adequate space, lighting, ventilation and the ability to observe the student;
  4. under the constant supervision of trained staff able to detect indications of physical or mental distress that require removal and/or immediate medical assistance, and who document their observations of the student and
  5. as a last resort to provide an opportunity for the student to regain control of their actions.


Multiple Incidents of Restraint and Seclusion


The District handles multiple incidents of restraint and seclusion in accordance with State law. Within 10 days of a student's third incident of physical restraint or seclusion in a school year, the District holds a meeting to address the situation.  If the student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 plan, the student's IEP or 504 team meets to consider the need to conduct a functional behavioral assessment or behavior intervention plan, or to amend an existing assessment or plan.  For all other students, a team consisting of the parent, an administrator or designee, a teacher of the student, a staff member involved in the incident (if not the teacher or administrator already invited) and other appropriate staff members will meet to discuss the need to conduct or review a functional behavioral assessment and/or develop a behavior intervention plan.  The District may choose to complete a functional behavioral assessment or develop a behavior intervention plan for any student who might benefit from these measures, not only those who have had three or more incidents of restraint or seclusion.


Training and Professional Development for the Use of Crisis Management and De-escalation Techniques


The District ensures an appropriate number of personnel in each building are annually trained in evidence-based crisis management and de-escalation techniques, as well as the safe use of physical restraint and seclusion, in accordance with the minimum training requirements set forth in State law.  The District maintains written or electronic documentation of the name, position and building assignment of each person completing training as well the name of the person who provided the training, the date of the training and the protocols and the techniques and materials that were included. 


Compliance with training requirements is reported to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) by November 30 annually through the consolidated school mandate report. 


If the District reports noncompliance, the Superintendent/designee must provide a written explanation to the Board within 30 days explaining this noncompliance and a written plan of action for accurately and efficiently addressing the problem.


Reporting and Complaint Procedure


Any incident of restraint or seclusion will be immediately reported to building administration and the parent.  A written report documenting the incident will be completed and made available to the parent within 24 hours and maintained by the District.  Staff also will conduct a debriefing, including all involved staff, the student and parent (if possible), to evaluate the trigger for the incident, staff response and methods to address the student's behavioral needs.  The District annually reports information regarding its use of restraint or seclusion to ODE in accordance with ODE procedures.


The Board directs the Superintendent/designee to establish a procedure to monitor the implementation of State law and the District’s policy on restraint and seclusion.


The Board directs the Superintendent/designee to establish District written complaint procedures, which include a:


  1. procedure for parents to present written complaints to the Superintendent to initiate a complaint investigation by the District regarding incidents of restraint or seclusion;
  2. requirement that the District respond to parents in writing within 30 days of the filing of a complaint regarding restraint or seclusion, and to make a reasonable effort to have an in-person meeting with the parent and
  3. notice of additional complaint options available under State law.


Parents are notified annually of the District’s seclusion and restraint policies and procedures, including the local complaint process which are also posted on the District’s website.  The District annually reviews the requirements of OAC 3301-35-15 and local policies and procedures related to PBIS and physical restraint and seclusion.



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