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School-to-Apprentice Overview/Plan Options

Overview/Plan Options


Statement of Purpose of Apprenticeship: The School-to-Apprentice program at the Pike County Joint Vocational School District has been instituted to assist the vocational program in giving each student who participates an opportunity at what real-life work situations might be and to complement the vocational program in providing as complete an educational experience as possible. The Apprenticeship program is not intended to  replace a vocational program, but rather to enhance it.

The following Apprenticeship options are given as a guideline in establishing work times which will benefit the student and the employer alike.

School-to-Apprentice Options:

Option A: The option is for the highly motivated student that shows an exceptional skill in a program and has the recommendation of the instructors  as to the student’s ability to accomplish responsibilities to both school and work. The student must have passed all parts of the Ohio Graduation Test in order to qualify for this option.

The student in this plan works in any two week period nine days and is obligated to attend school one day to obtain new assignments, turn in completed assignments, and meet any school commitments, if any. Final approval would rest with the School-to-Apprenticeship Team.

Option B: This option is again for the highly motivated students. This option combines the flexibility of working and going to school. It gives the student the best of both worlds.

The student in this plan in any two week period works one week and returns to school one week. Final approval would rest with the School-to-Apprenticeship Team.

Option C: This option is customizable for either the student, employer, or both. In order to qualify for this option a student would have to qualify for either Option A or Option B. The plan would be worked out between the School-to-Apprentice Coordinator, the employer, and the vocational and academic teachers. Final approval would rest with the School-to-Apprentice Team.

Option D: This is for the student who does not qualify for full apprenticeship options. This option would be for summer apprenticeship only. In other words, during school hours the student does not have the option to go to work, but rather must attend school.

The primary reason for this restricted option is that the student has not passed all parts of the Ohio Graduation Test or is deficient in credits necessary for graduation. Final approval would rest with the School-to-Apprenticeship Team.


Overview of the Process

1.       A student is identified as a possible apprenticeship candidate from such means as employer need, student’s desire to participate, or teacher recommendation.

2.      The student is pre-qualified from the Guidance Department.

3.      The student completes the Apprenticeship Application which shall include but not be limited to:

a.      The application

b.      Teacher recommendation forms

c.      Resume

d.      Proposed employer information

e.      Any other information the Apprenticeship Team may require

4.      The School-to-Apprentice Agreement is filled out and has the appropriate signatures.

5.      The School-to-Apprentice Team meets to approve the application and recommend the Option best suited for the student.

6.      The School-to-Apprentice Team shall include but not be limited to the School-to-Apprenticeship Coordinator , Job Placement Coordinator, Director of Guidance, Intervention Specialist, VOSE Coordinator, and the Director.

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