2010- 2011
The Pike County Career Technology Center makes available to seniors, their final semester, the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in an ongoing program called Advanced or Early Job Placement. Those seniors whose attitudes, attendance, appearance, grades and maturity levels indicate they are ready to assume positions in the business and industrial community will be permitted to leave school in the afternoon to go to their work site.
Students must remember Advanced Placement is a privilege, not a right; therefore, this privilege will only be extended to those seniors who qualify. Students should also note that the ultimate responsibility in obtaining Advanced Placement positions rests with the student. The Early Job Placement Coordinator is available to assist those students who qualify. Students under the age of 18 will also need to see Mrs. Music, Director of Guidance to obtain a work permit.
2010 - 2011
Phase I
1. Students must be recommended by their instructor.
2. Only seniors who are eligible for spring graduation will be permitted
to participate.
3. Employment positions must be directly related to the student’s course of
4. Participating students must have parental approval.
5. Seniors must have at least a 3.0 GPA in academics, related, and lab. Only
second semester grades junior year and first semester grades senior year will be used in qualifying students.
6. Any student receiving a grade of “D” or lower during the second semester junior year or first semester senior year (excluding exams) will not be eligible for Advanced Placement.
7. Any student qualifying for Advanced Placement Phase I cannot have more than six absences per semester in either second semester junior year or their first semester of their senior year. Only in cases of hospitalization or prolonged illness under a doctor’s care can exceptions be made.
8. Any student seeking to qualify for Advanced Placement Phase I shall have passed all parts of the OGT.
9. For any vocational program which does not have a student to qualify for Phase I Advanced Placement because of grades in an academic class, the Senior Instructor will be permitted to choose a top student for this phase. All other attendance and grade policies will remain the same. An “F” in any class will disqualify a student.
2010 - 2011
Prerequisites Phase II
1. Students must be recommended by their instructor.
2. Only seniors who are eligible for graduation will be permitted to participate.
3. Employment positions must be directly related to the student’s course of study.
4. Participating students must have parental approval.
5. Seniors must have at least a 3.00 GPA in academics, related, and lab. Only
first semester grades senior year will be used in qualifying students.
6. Any student receiving a grade of “F” during first semester senior year (excluding exams) will not be eligible for Advanced Placement Phase II.
7. Any student qualifying for Advanced Placement Phase II cannot have more than 6 absences first semester senior year. Only in cases of hospitalization or
prolonged illness under a doctor’s care can exceptions is made.
8. Any student seeking to qualify for Advanced Placement Phase II shall have
passed all parts of the OGT.